Global Association of SoL Communities

Vision & Purpose Statement 2022-2025

Our Vision:

Living and learning organizations that empower a better world for all beings.

Our Purpose:

To evolve the complex web of learning organizations meeting the challenges of all living systems enabling system awareness and self-generated learning.

Our Values:

Equality, diversity, inclusiveness, respect, and fairness

Strategic Goal:

Establish new SoL communities throughout the world and create value in being members of GASC.

Main Strategies:

  • To globally connect SoL communities and organizations to harness and share the power of collective learning.
  • To connect with the Inner Development Goals movement (IDG) by creating learning organizations where inner development can take place.
  • To evolve the global SoL communities as a living and learning network of networks.
  • To deepen the understanding of the five disciplines, research on learning organizations and the development of SoL practices.