Program for the SoL Learning Plaza 2022

SoL Learning Plaza 2022, in Stockholm - A Shift towards Living and Learning organizations!

Thank you for joining us for this gathering of hearts and minds, to engage us around some grand challenges of our times. It is becoming obvious that often the solutions we propose are created form the same place where the challenges come from, so they often fail to solve and often even make things worse.

Our intention behind the gathering has been to engage our full selves – as the humans we are – in order to sense, learn and share, in search of foundations for a different future for all of us.

Day 1 of the Plaza is a flow of conversations and stories; of physical and subtle movements – in larger and smaller groups – where every one of us is a storyteller in our own right. Day 2 takes us – physically or digitally – to places where our learning continues in the real-life environment (see further our choices of Learning Visits ).

Here is the overall fabric of the days:


7.45 - 8.50: Attendance registration for the Learning Plaza 2022 (Stockholm)

8.15 You are welcome to join for a quiet meditation or mindfulness practice, to set yourself up for the day. Guided by Ana Arrabe (Parallell online meditation).

8.50 - 9.00 Welcoming online paticipants

9.00 SETTING THE STAGE (in Stockholm and online).

- Coming together - Bring your unique self and your part of the world into the room

- Leadership in a living system - A conversation between Dennis Sandow and Göran Carstedt

- Grand challenges and us - Embodied exploration through group constellation work, Martijn Meima

CONVERSATIONS AHEAD (in Stockholm and online)

- Interactive presentation of the Learning Circles for conversations and dialogues that will take place after lunch. There will be a process ahead of the Learning Plaza to choose which conversations to join. As of today, there are four broad themes for conversations:
• Human wellbeing in systems: Living and working well together in turbulent times
• Regenerative food systems in action
• How we make sense of our challenges: stories of culture and language
• Business as Unusual: the new living and learning organisational paradigm
Other themes might have emerged by the time we meet – stay tuned! The Actual topics for for the Learning Circles/Conversations will be presented about a week ahead of the Plaza.

- How did today’s lunch travel to your plate? (In Stockholm and online)
Healthy food for a sustainable future – What would it take to balance “Organic”, “Locally grown” and “In season” requirements?
In plenum, you are welcome to join a deeper going dialogue, led by Hans von Essen


- Food conversations continue as we enjoy the well thought through menu of the day
If you have time, go out and take a walk in the beautiful vicinities of the hotel


Learning from nature. Embodied practice, led by Göran Gennvi (In Stockholm)

- Learning Circle/Conversation 1 (in Parallell; Stockholm and online)
This is the first dedicated slot for group exploration of the different themes. Online participants are offered their own groups.

- Inner Development Goals (IDG) as a lever of true progress
Join the conversation animated by Peter Senge and Jan Artem Henriksson (via Zoom)


- Learning Circle/Conversation 2 (in parallell; Stockholm and online)
Another round with the learning circles/Conversations. You are welcome to explore a new topic.

- Exploring deeper and subtler dynamics underlying the themes that we talk about.
Group constellation work, facilitated by Martijn Meima and colleagues (In Stockholm and online)

- Reflections Day 1
Facilitated by Roslyn Solomon and colleagues (in Stockholm and online)

17.45 - 18.00 Plans for Day 2; (in Stockholm and online). Details of Learning visits and logistics.

18.00 Music for the soul. Charly & friends.

18.30 Dinner with a view - together on the terrace of the hotel (in Stockholm)


The morning Learning Visits were choosen among our four main themes.
• Human wellbeing in systems: Living and working well together in turbulent times
• Regenerative food systems in action
• How we make sense of our challenges: stories of culture and language
• Business as Unusual: the new living and learning organisational paradigm
More information is available on the Learning Visits page. Online participants had their own online visits; which involved visits to several different countries.

By 15.00 Groups re-gather at the venue.

- A call from the Amazon Rainforest; Adriani Maffioletti on stage in Stockholm in an online conversation with her tribe in the Amazon forest.

- How do I walk differently from here? Harvesting and Pathways to Action.
Harvesting learnings, creating the way forward for action. Facilitated by Roslyn Solomon and colleagues.

17.00 Closure of the SoL Learning Plaza 2022. Goodbye and Happy continued Learning for Action!